Saturday, November 23, 2013

In the Waiting

I'm sorry that I haven't posted in 4 weeks! Life has gotten pretty busy with the end of the first partial at school and the transition into the next. Not a lot has happened within these past four weeks as they have flown by, but I'll try my best to give a general overview of how life has been going.

I know it has been three months now, but I think I have finally realized that I am indeed a real teacher. I get home from school and constantly think about my students. I research how to help them, share stories about what they said or did, and pray about how I can practice more patience with them. I love it. It really is a lot of work, but as I see them growing and learning, I am confirmed that this is the right place for me at this moment. I especially enjoy working at International School as I am able to share freely about Jesus' love and watch the students ask questions and talk about God too.

This past week was spiritual emphasis week for the elementary school. Every day, the students would go to the chapel and listen to a message from the special speaker the chaplain invited from El Salvador. She showed the students so much love and spoke such truth into their lives. It was amazing how still they could sit for 30 minutes! Watching them worship God with the songs they sang at the beginning of every chapel time this week was also such a blessing. To see students from first grade to fifth grade genuinely worshiping the Creator was such a blessing.

Yesterday was also the annual Thanksgiving Dinner for IST teachers and staff. It was a more formal event, so everyone in attendance dressed up and enjoyed a nice dinner and talent show at a nearby hotel. It was a fun evening to give thanks to God for the opportunities He's given us at the school. The time to fellowship outside of school was very enjoyable as well. It was just nice to have a night out to relax but also simply remember all the things we have to be thankful for. I know I am so blessed, and that, my friends, is truly humbling.

Although these past few weeks have been busy with school work and small social gatherings here and there, I feel like right now I'm in "the waiting". It doesn't really feel like anything big is happening at the moment; however, God is reminding me that I don't just have to be waiting for the next big thing to happen. I can still be running after Him in the waiting. This made me think of a passage I read in a book that I just finished reading in my bible study. In Growth: Training vs. Trying, it says "It all counts. Life counts. Every moment of life--at least potentially--is an opportunity to be guided by God into his way of living." I don't want to waste this time God has given me. I would really appreciate prayers to continue running after the Father in order to learn and grow from Him. As always, thank you so much for all of your prayers and support!
This is one of two rainbows here I've seen this past month! I am so thankful that God is always reminding me of His faithfulness. 

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