Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Waiting in Expectation

"In the morning, O Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation."
Psalm 5:3

     Oh what a day. Today was filled with more packing than I would ever enjoy, saying hard goodbyes to loved ones, and coming to the realization that this is really happening. I'm moving to Honduras tomorrow to teach for two years. I know that I'll be back home to visit within those two years, but to think that I am making such a huge commitment to make a new home in Honduras seems crazy. A few years ago, I never would have even imagined moving more than a few hours away from my family for a job after college. However, while in college God gave me such a deep passion to learn more about His people outside that now I'm traveling the world to do so. To say that I feel completely humbled and blessed to have this opportunity would be a drastic understatement. 

     Currently, I'm feeling a little overwhelmed, nervous, scared, anxious, and very excited to fly to Honduras. This morning, however, was a quite a different story. All I felt was stressed and scared. There was so much left to do and so little time to complete the list of tasks in front of me. Then I looked at my phone and saw that I had an event on my calendar. When I decided to take this teaching position in Honduras and booked my flight, I put an event in my phone so I wouldn't forget the day I would leave (not that I could have anyway). The event was titled "Leave to fulfill God's calling". Although I was still stressed throughout the day, those words stuck in my head. No matter went wrong or right in the last day before I would leave, I would still be leaving to fulfill God's calling in my life. I know that God lead me to teach in Honduras, and that has been confirmed so much even since signing my teaching contract. I know this is what He has for me.

     And so now I wait. As I began talking to God this morning, Psalm 5:3 came to mind. I am confident that He has me going to Honduras for reasons that have yet to be revealed. As I pray that God will use me in ways far greater than I could ever imagine, I will wait in expectation to see how He will begin to reveal His plans for my life in Honduras. I expect Him to change me. To break me. To use me. To show me His love for people. To better love a different group of people. To teach me more than I thought I could ever know. I will lay my requests before God and wait in expectation. I am so excited to start this adventure and strive to glorify the Father every step of the way. Because none of this is for me, but all for His glory. 

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